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NamePieces:The Book

"The sweetest sound to anyone's ears is the sound of their own name". Robert C. Lee. ...And their own music! Combine the two, and you have a NamePiece: music composed using the letters of your's or someone else's own name. 


"NamePieces" contains seven pieces composed for a variety of occasions, including a Baby Shower, a Wedding, and a Graduation. Two versions of each composition are provided: a performance score, and a score showing how the letters of the name were used in the composition. Stories describing each NamePiece, and photos illustrating the NamePieces are included.


NamePieces has a special section with detailed instructions about how you can compose a NamePiece.  


NamePieces can be purchased for $17.95 as a PDF download. Email me at to make arrangements. NamePieces will also be available shortly from GumRoad.         


All proceeds from the sale of NamePieces will be donated to charities that benefit animals.  


Neshama will be published in September and will be available at: A recording of Neshama, along with other recordings from the Hidden Gem Concert will also be available from the future blend website. 

Michaela Elizabeth GuissarriAlexandra Coursen
Neshama, my name piece performed by Olivia Jaguers in the Hidden Gem Concert; runner-up to the winning competition. See my blog and
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